
Makefile for windows
Makefile for windows

makefile for windows

You might also consider to add the bin directory to your PATH variable.After compilation a binary file named gcx.exe will be created in the bin directory. In Section Compiling with/without Special Features. In Windows, a Makefile can be created using any text editor, such as Notepad. A complete list of all available compilation FLAGS can be found Optionally, but not necessarily, you may want to enable or disable one or more special features by uncommenting or adding FLAGS in the Makefile (Makefile.Windows).This folder contains all required sources for compilation. This folder contains xmark sample queries. This folder contains tree sample queries. This folder contains sgml sample queries. This folder contains sample queries for testing purpose. This folder is empty and will - after compilation - contain the binary.

makefile for windows

This will create the following directory structure. Download the archive gcx_2-1_src.zip (you might also download the.For example, one source file must be compiled before other one and likewise Basically, the makefile is used to order the sequence of a compilation of files. All these different files have dependencies. The project usually have different files to compile and to make the executable binaries. You will also need to install - if not already present - the following required (additional) tools. windowsmakefileMSVCmakefileUnix Makefiles cmake. Makefile, you may have seen in many projects. In case you are using Windows we recommend the MinGW environment from Next: Compiling with/without Special Features Up: Compiling the Sources Previous: Compiling under Linux/Mac OS Contents

Makefile for windows